DIY Easter Inspiration
Easter is just around the corner, time to get into the spirit of Easter and set the mood! Of course you can decorate your house with Easter branches and dyed eggs, but there are loads of other DIY decorations you can make, to bring that Easter atmosphere into your home. Check them out here:
Dyed eggs, but different!
Is painting eggs also a tradition in your family during Easter? We think it’s one of the best Easter traditions! Turn your eggs into true pieces of art by putting in some extra craftwork. Why not make emoji-eggs, veggie-eggs or gumball machines this year? All you need is paint, colored paper, glue and waterproof markers.
The cutest bunny planters
This one is great for children. Save up a few milk and yoghurt cartons and clean them. Cut them into the right size and paint them or stick colored paper onto them. Then it’s time to get creative and to decorate your planters! Draw bunny faces on them for example. And last, but not least: put a few cute plants or herbs into your planters. These will look great on your table during Easter brunch.
This is what you need:
- Milk cartons
- Scissors
- Basic acrylic paint
- Brushes
- Permanent marker
- Plants/herbs
Flower Bunny-Ears
New Yorkers go out every year to look at the Easter Parade, usually wearing the most beautiful headpieces. Feel like wearing something festive too? Then make your own Easter head band and decorate it with (artificial) flowers. Also great for children and (willing) pets.
This is what you need:
- A head band
- Metal wire
- Some fabric
- Flowers (real or artificial)
- Foliage
- A glue gun
Give your friends and family an Easter basket!
Do you want to do something special for Easter this year? Be extra attentive and gift each other homemade Easter baskets! You can easily combine this with drawing names.
This is what you need:
- A basket
- Flowers
- Dyed eggs
- A bottle of wine with a homemade label
- A chocolate Easter bunny
- Straw
- A ribbon
- A personal note or a card
- Optional: a little present
TIP: Draw names for Easter
How do you celebrate Easter? People go searching for eggs, eat yummy Easter breakfasts and play games. Why not make your family gettogether extra special this year and surprise each other with presents? Create a group on drawnames with your family and have a Secret Easter Bunny gift exchange. It’s easy, fast and free!
Start Drawing Names